Alright, I know that llama's have absolutely NOTHING to do with English Lops! How and why we fell in love with them, I have no idea. I do know that I had given it a token try. That is trying not to fall in love with them. They are certainly nearly as sweet and gentle as the rabbits. They are as exotic a pet, the people involved, as limited as my exposure to them has been, has been every bit as pleasureable.
The first question people seem to ask me about them is: "You know, they SPIT, don't you?" Hmmm... Yes, I know they spit. They do not spit often, and less often at me, although it has happened. Spitting is their way of settling arguments, territorial squabbles, and most politcal problems. Occasionally, one finds green gobs on the walls of the barn and perhaps even on the other llamas. On the other hand, people settle arguments by hurtful statements which can escalate from anything to tounge lashings, to pulling out a knife or gun and causing bodily harm to their opponents. Let's see, which way is best, "My knife is bigger than yours, or I can spit further and greener than you?" In short, I don't care that they spit. Please look at and enjoy the pictures of our kids. Kevin has Kahootz, Jeff has Susie, and I have both Magic and Harmony. |